VU Reading Machine
The Reading Machine provides an up-to-date NewsReader pipeline for Dutch, for use on Linux or with Docker.
Many of the components for the pipeline are listed in our pages:
- NAF formatting: text2naf
- tokenizing: ixa-pipe-tok
- POS tagging, lemmatization and parsing: vua-alpino
- named entity recognition: ixa-pipe-nerc
- named entity disambiguation: ixa-pipe-ned
- word sense disambiguation: vua-wsd
- time/date standardisation: vuheideltimewrapper
- predicate-matrix tagging: vua-ontotagging
- semantic role labelling: vua-srl-nl
- factuality: multilingual_factuality
- opinion mining: opinion_miner_deluxePP
- event coreference: EventCoreference
- nominal event detection: vua-nominal-event-detection
- nominal event srl labelling: vua-srl-dutch-nominal-events
- FrameNet labelling: vua-framenet-classifier
The nlpp repository provides code to install a bilingual Dutch/English pipeline on Linux.