- KafAnnotator: Standalone program to annotate KAF files
- KafKybot: Extracts tuples from KAF file using profiles
- kaflib: A library for managing KAF documents
- KafNafParserPy: Parser for KAF NAF files written in Python
- KafSaxParser: KafSaxParser
- text2naf: Module that takes text and meta data as input and creates a NAF file with the raw text layer.
- VUA_pylib: Set of functions in python, including feature extractors, common functions, NAF/KAF manipulation
- SpaCy-to-NAF: code for SpaCy-to-NAF conversion.
- NAF-4 development
- NAFFoLiAPy: Library for converting between FoLiA and NAF
- SoNar2Naf: Converter from Folia to NAF