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Corpora, Lexica and Ontologies


Vaccination debate

  • Vaccination corpus: Corpus from online sources debating vaccination, annotated with atttribution relations, claims, events, and sentiments. Also annotated with propositional alignment relations.

Historical data

  • The clariah-vocab-conversion repository was created as part of the CLARIAH project. It contains several historical and contemporaneous lexicons for Dutch that have been converted to one common format (LEMON-RDF), as well as code to convert lexicons and vocabularies to RDF.
  • Mining-Ministers. Data and scripts used for investigating Fred van Lieburg's corpus.

Biographical data

Event detection, (co)-reference and identity

Dutch Framenet

Image description

  • DutchDescriptions: Dutch descriptions for the Flickr30K validation and test data, plus a cross-lingual comparison tool.

Word-sense disambiguation


Generic resources

  • vua-resources: Lexical resources that are used for semantic parsing by the CLTL modules