Vaccination corpus: Corpus from online sources debating vaccination, annotated with atttribution relations, claims, events, and sentiments. Also annotated with propositional alignment relations.
The clariah-vocab-conversion repository was created as part of the CLARIAH project. It contains several historical and contemporaneous lexicons for Dutch that have been converted to one common format (LEMON-RDF), as well as code to convert lexicons and vocabularies to RDF.
Mining-Ministers. Data and scripts used for investigating Fred van Lieburg's corpus.
ECB+: An extension of the Event Coreference Bank to increase referential ambiguity
Event Storyline corpus: An extension of ECB+ with narrative structures to create storylines
Circumstantial Event Ontology and Corpus: An ontology with pre-conditions and post-conditions for events which reflect circumstantial causal relations, and an extension of ECB+ annotated with these relations
GunViolenceCorpus: corpus with referential data on incidents that exhibits extreme variation and ambiguity
OldBailey: Processing the OldBailey data to create LOD