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Event Detection and Coreference

Event detection

  • The TimeMLEventTrigger repository contains conversion scripts and models to automatically extract event triggers following the TimeML Annotation Guidelines.
  • CatFrameNet
  • ceopathfinder: Finds a path of circumstantial relations between events on the basis of the CircumstantialEventOntology
  • FrameNet-annotation-tool: Python-based command-line tool for FrameNet annotation
  • nwr-semeval2018-5: NewsReader participation to task 5 of SemEval2018
  • OntoTagger: Ontotagger inserts (semantic) labels into KAF representation on the basis of lemma or wordnet synset representations of text
  • TimeMLEventTrigger
  • TripleEvaluation: This program evaluates text mining output from text on the basis of a triple representation.

Event coreference