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Entity Detection and Linking

Long-tail in Entity linking


  • LongTailQATask. Code for SemEval-2018 task #5 "Counting events and participants in the long tail".
  • SemEval2018-5_Postprocessing: Postprocessing steps for the SemEval-2018 task 5: Counting events and participants in the long tail

Human-Like EL

  • A human-inspired Entity linking system in progress can be found in the repository HumanLikeEL
  • HELAnalysis: Analysis of the Human-like Entity Linking system

More on Entity Linking

  • ELBaselines: This repository aims at creating baseline results for Entity Linking, by running a text against the state-of-the-art systems for entity linking, using their most standard configuration.
  • entity-link-postprocess

See also our entity-linking systems.

Entity Detection and Typing