Reference, Framing, and Perspective

2024 Workshop (LREC-COLING)

This project is maintained by cltl

Shared Dataset

We provide a multuilingual and referentially grounded dataset consisting of texts about the Eurovision Song Contest (spanning the years 2019, 2020, and 2021). The dataset has been collected via Wikidata and Wikipedia in such a way that each document is referenitally grounded to an event (a specific edition of Eurovision) or a particular participant (an artist participating in an event of Eurovision). A subset of documents have been manually annotated with Frame Semantic information and coreference. Another subset has been labeled automatically for coreference resolution.

You can access the data via our Github repository

We are still working on processing the data and will update the repository regularly.

Participants are welcome to use the data in any way they like. For instance, participants could

Frame Semantic annotations in the data

Our manual, Frame Semantic annotations follow an annotation approach developed in the Open Dutch FrameNet project. The goal is to annotate Dutch texts with Frame Semantic information following the FrameNet paradigm. In contrast to tradition FrameNet annotations, our approach allows for a discourse-level view, rather than remaining limited to sentence boundaries; we annotate semantic roles of predicates, even if they are not mentioned in the same sentence as the predicate (for more details, refer to Remijnse et al. 2022).


Remijnse, L., Vossen, P., Fokkens, A. and Titarsolej, S., 2022, June. Introducing Frege to Fillmore: A FrameNet Dataset that Captures both Sense and Reference. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 39-50).

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