Module nafparserpy.parser
Wraps lxml to facilitate handling of NAF documents
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Wraps lxml to facilitate handling of NAF documents
import datetime
import re
from typing import Any, Tuple, Dict, List
from nafparserpy.layers.naf_header import NafHeader, LP, LinguisticProcessors
from nafparserpy.layers.raw import Raw
from lxml import etree
from nafparserpy.layers.factory import create_from_node, create_from_elements
def split_naf_header_attrs(attrs):
"""Split input attributes in public or fileDesc attributes
attrs : dict
dictionary of public/fileDesc attributes
a tuple of attribute dictionaries for fileDesc and public
KeyError: if the input dictionary contains keywords not pertaining to public/fileDesc attributes
public_attrs = {}
filedesc_attrs = {}
public_keys = ['publicId', 'uri']
filedesc_keys = ['title', 'author', 'creationtime', 'filename', 'filetype', 'pages']
for k in attrs:
if k in public_keys:
public_attrs.update({k: attrs[k]})
elif k in filedesc_keys:
filedesc_attrs.update({k: attrs[k]})
raise KeyError('unknown public/fileDesc key: {}'.format(k))
return filedesc_attrs, public_attrs
def validate_dtd(tree, dtd='naf_v3.3.dtd'):
"""Validate tree against DTD
tree : ElementTree
NAF tree
dtd : str
path to DTD
ValueError : if tree is not valid
with open(dtd) as infile:
dtd = etree.DTD(infile)
if not dtd.validate(tree.getroot()):
raise ValueError(f"Input tree does not conform to DTD {dtd}")
def remove_lps(ling_processors_layer_node):
lps = [child for child in ling_processors_layer_node]
for lp in lps:
class NafParser:
def __init__(self, tree=None, lang='en', version=None, decorate=True, **attrs):
Create a NAF document from an existing tree or from scratch.
tree : etree
input tree
lang : str
document language, defaults to `en`. This parameter is ignored if tree is not None
version : str
NAF version, defaults to `parser.NAF_VERSION`; ignored if tree is not None
decorate : bool
adds covered text to span nodes
attrs : dict
nafHeader fileDesc and public attributes; ignored if tree is not None
self.decorate = decorate
naf_version = NAF_VERSION
if version is not None:
naf_version = version
if tree is None:
self.tree = etree.ElementTree(etree.Element('NAF'))
self.root = self.tree.getroot()
self.root.set('{}lang', lang)
self.root.set('version', naf_version)
if attrs:
filedesc_attrs, public_attrs = split_naf_header_attrs(attrs)
self.add_naf_header(fileDesc_attrs=filedesc_attrs, public_attrs=public_attrs)
self.id_map = {}
self.tree = tree
self.root = self.tree.getroot()
self.id_map = self.targets2indices()
def load(naf_file, validate_against_dtd=False, decorate=True):
"""Create a NAF document from a NAF file
naf_file : str
path to NAF file
validate_against_dtd : bool
validates input tree against DTD if True
decorate : bool
adds covered text to span nodes
ValueError: if `validate_against_dtd` is True, and input file does not conform to the DTD
tree = etree.parse(naf_file, etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, strip_cdata=False))
if validate_against_dtd:
return NafParser(tree, decorate=decorate)
def write(self, file_path):
"""Write NAF tree to file or stdout if no file path is given"""
if file_path is None:
print(etree.tostring(self.root, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True))
self.tree.write(file_path, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)
def has_layer(self, layer: str):
"""Returns True if layer with given name exists"""
return self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer))
def get(self, layer_name: str):
"""Return a layer object for the layer with the given layer-name.
Returns only the first object if more elements carry the same name."""
if not self.has_layer(layer_name):
raise ValueError("layer {} does not exist".format(layer_name))
nodes = self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer_name))
return create_from_node[layer_name](nodes[0])
def getall(self, layer_name: str):
"""Return a list of layer objects for each layer carrying the given layer-name
if not self.has_layer(layer_name):
raise ValueError("layer {} does not exist".format(layer_name))
nodes = self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer_name))
return [create_from_node[layer_name](node) for node in nodes]
def add_layer(self, layer_name: str, element: Any, exist_ok=False):
"""Add a layer to the NAF xml tree
layer_name : str
naf layer name
element : Any
layer object
exist_ok : bool
allows replacement of existing layer
ValueError: if layer already exists and `exist_ok` is False
if self.has_layer(layer_name) and not exist_ok:
raise ValueError('Layer {} already exists'.format(layer_name))
if self.has_layer(layer_name):
if layer_name in ('text', 'terms'):
if self.decorate:
def add_layer_from_elements(self, layer_name: str, elements: list, exist_ok=False):
"""Create container layer from its elements.
This method can be applied to non-empty layers without attributes. This concerns almost all layers,
except for `NafHeader`, `Raw` and `TemporalRelations`
layer_name : str
naf layer name
elements : list
list of layer elements objects
exist_ok : bool
allows replacement of existing layer
ValueError: if layer already exists and `exist_ok` is False
def add_naf_header(self, fileDesc_attrs={}, public_attrs={}, linguistic_processors=[], exist_ok=False):
Create and add `nafHeader` layer
fileDesc_attrs : dict
`fileDesc` layer attributes
public_attrs : dict
`public` layer attributes
linguistic_processors : list[LinguisticProcessors]
list of `LinguisticProcessors` objects per layer
exist_ok : bool
allows replacement of existing layer
self.add_layer('nafHeader', NafHeader.create(fileDesc_attrs, public_attrs, linguistic_processors), exist_ok)
def add_linguistic_processor(self, layer: str, name: str, version: str, lpDependencies=[], attributes={},
add_time_stamp=True, replace=False):
"""Add a `linguistic processor` element to the linguistic processors list for the given layer.
Creates a `nafHeader` layer and/or a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet.
layer : str
the name of the layer
name : str
the name of the linguistic processor
version : str
the version of the linguistic processor
lpDependencies : List(LPDependency)
list of linguistic processor dependencies
attributes : dict
optional linguistic processor attributes ('timestamp', 'beginTimestamp', 'endTimestamp', 'hostname')
add_time_stamp : bool
create time stamp
replace : bool
replace or append to `lp` elements for that layer
if not self.has_layer('nafHeader'):
if add_time_stamp:
attributes['timestamp'] ='seconds')
self.add_lp(layer, LP(name, version, lpDependencies, attributes), replace)
def add_lp(self, layer: str, linguistic_processor: LP, replace: bool):
"""Add a linguistic processor element to the linguistic processors list for the given layer.
Creates a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet. Pre-existing linguistic processor elements are
replaced if `replace` is True.
layer : str
the name of the layer
linguistic_processor : LP
the linguistic processor
replace : bool
replace or append to `lp` elements for that layer
naf_header_node = self.root.find('nafHeader')
ling_processors_layer_nodes = [lps for lps in naf_header_node.findall('linguisticProcessors')
if lps.get('layer') == layer]
if not ling_processors_layer_nodes:
ling_processors_layer_node = LinguisticProcessors(layer, [linguistic_processor]).node()
elif replace:
def extend_lps(self, layer: str, linguistic_processors: List[LP], replace=False):
"""Add linguistic processor elements to the linguistic processors list for the given layer.
Creates a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet.
layer : str
the name of the layer
linguistic_processors : List[LP]
the linguistic processors
naf_header_node = self.root.find('nafHeader')
ling_processors_layer_nodes = [lps for lps in naf_header_node.findall('linguisticProcessors')
if lps.get('layer') == layer]
if not ling_processors_layer_nodes:
ling_processors_layer_node = LinguisticProcessors(layer, linguistic_processors).node()
elif replace:
ling_processors_layer_nodes[0] = [lp.node() for lp in linguistic_processors]
ling_processors_layer_nodes[0].extend([lp.node() for lp in linguistic_processors])
def add_raw_layer(self, text: str, exist_ok=False):
"""Add (or replace) raw layer from text
text : str
raw layer text
exist_ok : bool
allows replacement of existing layer"""
self.add_layer('raw', Raw(text), exist_ok)
def get_lps(self, layer_name):
"""Return list of linguistic processors for a given layer
layer_name: str
layer name
list of Lp objects
ValueError: if the NAF header has no linguisticProcessors element for that layer"""
lprocessors = [x for x in self.getall('linguisticProcessors') if x.layer_name == layer_name]
if lprocessors:
return lprocessors[0].lps
return None
def targets2indices(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]:
"""Map each word form, subtoken or term id to its begin and end indices
map of target ids to start and end indices
if not self.has_layer('text'):
return {}
id_map = {}
for wf in self.get('text'):
id_map[] = (int(wf.offset), int(wf.offset) + int(wf.length))
if wf.subtokens:
id_map.update({ (int(st.offset), int(st.offset) + int(st.length)) for st in wf.subtokens})
if self.has_layer('terms'): # higher layers may reference to terms
# map term ids to begin/end indices through word-form ids
twf_map = { id_map[t.span.target_ids()[0]] for t in self.get('terms')}
return id_map
def add_comments(self):
"""Add covered text as comment to all Span elements that have no comment yet"""
spans = [x for x in self.root.findall('.//span') if not [_ for _ in x.iter(tag=etree.Comment)]]
target_ids = [[t.get('id') for t in span.findall('target')] for span in spans]
if spans and not self.id_map:
self.id_map = self.targets2indices()
for span_node, tid_span in zip(spans, target_ids):
begin, end = self.id_map[tid_span[0]][0], self.id_map[tid_span[-1]][1]
comment = self.get('raw').text[begin:end]
comment = comment.replace('--', '-~')
comment = re.sub('-$', '~', comment)
def covered_text(self, target_ids: List[str]) -> str:
"""Return text covered by the target ids
target_ids: List[str]
target ids
covered text
start, end = self.start_end_indices(target_ids)
return self.get('raw').text[start:end]
def start_end_indices(self, target_ids: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Return the start and end indices of the span represented by the target ids
target_ids: List[str]
target ids
tuple of start and end indices
if not self.id_map:
self.id_map = self.targets2indices()
if not self.id_map:
raise ValueError('No target ids found')
return self.id_map[target_ids[0]][0], self.id_map[target_ids[-1]][1]
def reset_targets2indices(self):
"""Recomputes the mapping of all word forms, subtokens and terms to their start and end indices.
This mapping is computed in a restricted number of cases: when loading a existing NAF document, or when
retrieving the covered text on a newly created NAF document. The present function can be called when
adding layers for which the mapping will be relevant, such as subtokens or terms on a NAF document already
annotated with word forms.
self.id_map = self.targets2indices()
def remove_lps(ling_processors_layer_node)
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def remove_lps(ling_processors_layer_node): lps = [child for child in ling_processors_layer_node] for lp in lps: ling_processors_layer_node.remove(lp)
def split_naf_header_attrs(attrs)
Split input attributes in public or fileDesc attributes
- dictionary of public/fileDesc attributes
a tuple
ofattribute dictionaries for fileDesc and public
:if the input dictionary contains keywords not pertaining to public/fileDesc attributes
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def split_naf_header_attrs(attrs): """Split input attributes in public or fileDesc attributes Parameters ---------- attrs : dict dictionary of public/fileDesc attributes Returns ------- a tuple of attribute dictionaries for fileDesc and public Raises ------ KeyError: if the input dictionary contains keywords not pertaining to public/fileDesc attributes """ public_attrs = {} filedesc_attrs = {} public_keys = ['publicId', 'uri'] filedesc_keys = ['title', 'author', 'creationtime', 'filename', 'filetype', 'pages'] for k in attrs: if k in public_keys: public_attrs.update({k: attrs[k]}) elif k in filedesc_keys: filedesc_attrs.update({k: attrs[k]}) else: raise KeyError('unknown public/fileDesc key: {}'.format(k)) return filedesc_attrs, public_attrs
def validate_dtd(tree, dtd='naf_v3.3.dtd')
Validate tree against DTD
- NAF tree
- path to DTD
:if tree is not valid
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def validate_dtd(tree, dtd='naf_v3.3.dtd'): """Validate tree against DTD Parameters ---------- tree : ElementTree NAF tree dtd : str path to DTD Raises ------ ValueError : if tree is not valid """ with open(dtd) as infile: dtd = etree.DTD(infile) if not dtd.validate(tree.getroot()): raise ValueError(f"Input tree does not conform to DTD {dtd}")
class NafParser (tree=None, lang='en', version=None, decorate=True, **attrs)
Create a NAF document from an existing tree or from scratch.
- input tree
- document language, defaults to
. This parameter is ignored if tree is not None version
- NAF version, defaults to
; ignored if tree is not None decorate
- adds covered text to span nodes
- nafHeader fileDesc and public attributes; ignored if tree is not None
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class NafParser: def __init__(self, tree=None, lang='en', version=None, decorate=True, **attrs): """ Create a NAF document from an existing tree or from scratch. Parameters ---------- tree : etree input tree lang : str document language, defaults to `en`. This parameter is ignored if tree is not None version : str NAF version, defaults to `parser.NAF_VERSION`; ignored if tree is not None decorate : bool adds covered text to span nodes attrs : dict nafHeader fileDesc and public attributes; ignored if tree is not None """ self.decorate = decorate naf_version = NAF_VERSION if version is not None: naf_version = version if tree is None: self.tree = etree.ElementTree(etree.Element('NAF')) self.root = self.tree.getroot() self.root.set('{}lang', lang) self.root.set('version', naf_version) if attrs: filedesc_attrs, public_attrs = split_naf_header_attrs(attrs) self.add_naf_header(fileDesc_attrs=filedesc_attrs, public_attrs=public_attrs) self.id_map = {} else: self.tree = tree self.root = self.tree.getroot() self.id_map = self.targets2indices() @staticmethod def load(naf_file, validate_against_dtd=False, decorate=True): """Create a NAF document from a NAF file Parameters ---------- naf_file : str path to NAF file validate_against_dtd : bool validates input tree against DTD if True decorate : bool adds covered text to span nodes Raises ------ ValueError: if `validate_against_dtd` is True, and input file does not conform to the DTD """ tree = etree.parse(naf_file, etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, strip_cdata=False)) if validate_against_dtd: validate_dtd(tree) return NafParser(tree, decorate=decorate) def write(self, file_path): """Write NAF tree to file or stdout if no file path is given""" if file_path is None: print(etree.tostring(self.root, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)) else: self.tree.write(file_path, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True) def has_layer(self, layer: str): """Returns True if layer with given name exists""" return self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer)) def get(self, layer_name: str): """Return a layer object for the layer with the given layer-name. Returns only the first object if more elements carry the same name.""" if not self.has_layer(layer_name): raise ValueError("layer {} does not exist".format(layer_name)) nodes = self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer_name)) return create_from_node[layer_name](nodes[0]) def getall(self, layer_name: str): """Return a list of layer objects for each layer carrying the given layer-name """ if not self.has_layer(layer_name): raise ValueError("layer {} does not exist".format(layer_name)) nodes = self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer_name)) return [create_from_node[layer_name](node) for node in nodes] def add_layer(self, layer_name: str, element: Any, exist_ok=False): """Add a layer to the NAF xml tree Parameters ---------- layer_name : str naf layer name element : Any layer object exist_ok : bool allows replacement of existing layer Raises ------ ValueError: if layer already exists and `exist_ok` is False """ if self.has_layer(layer_name) and not exist_ok: raise ValueError('Layer {} already exists'.format(layer_name)) else: if self.has_layer(layer_name): self.root.remove(self.root.find(layer_name)) self.root.append(element.node()) if layer_name in ('text', 'terms'): self.reset_targets2indices() if self.decorate: self.add_comments() def add_layer_from_elements(self, layer_name: str, elements: list, exist_ok=False): """Create container layer from its elements. This method can be applied to non-empty layers without attributes. This concerns almost all layers, except for `NafHeader`, `Raw` and `TemporalRelations` Parameters ---------- layer_name : str naf layer name elements : list list of layer elements objects exist_ok : bool allows replacement of existing layer Raises ------ ValueError: if layer already exists and `exist_ok` is False """ self.add_layer(layer_name, create_from_elements[layer_name](elements), exist_ok=exist_ok) def add_naf_header(self, fileDesc_attrs={}, public_attrs={}, linguistic_processors=[], exist_ok=False): """ Create and add `nafHeader` layer Parameters ---------- fileDesc_attrs : dict `fileDesc` layer attributes public_attrs : dict `public` layer attributes linguistic_processors : list[LinguisticProcessors] list of `LinguisticProcessors` objects per layer exist_ok : bool allows replacement of existing layer """ self.add_layer('nafHeader', NafHeader.create(fileDesc_attrs, public_attrs, linguistic_processors), exist_ok) def add_linguistic_processor(self, layer: str, name: str, version: str, lpDependencies=[], attributes={}, add_time_stamp=True, replace=False): """Add a `linguistic processor` element to the linguistic processors list for the given layer. Creates a `nafHeader` layer and/or a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet. Parameters ---------- layer : str the name of the layer name : str the name of the linguistic processor version : str the version of the linguistic processor lpDependencies : List(LPDependency) list of linguistic processor dependencies attributes : dict optional linguistic processor attributes ('timestamp', 'beginTimestamp', 'endTimestamp', 'hostname') add_time_stamp : bool create time stamp replace : bool replace or append to `lp` elements for that layer """ if not self.has_layer('nafHeader'): self.add_naf_header() if add_time_stamp: attributes['timestamp'] ='seconds') self.add_lp(layer, LP(name, version, lpDependencies, attributes), replace) def add_lp(self, layer: str, linguistic_processor: LP, replace: bool): """Add a linguistic processor element to the linguistic processors list for the given layer. Creates a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet. Pre-existing linguistic processor elements are replaced if `replace` is True. Parameters ---------- layer : str the name of the layer linguistic_processor : LP the linguistic processor replace : bool replace or append to `lp` elements for that layer """ naf_header_node = self.root.find('nafHeader') ling_processors_layer_nodes = [lps for lps in naf_header_node.findall('linguisticProcessors') if lps.get('layer') == layer] if not ling_processors_layer_nodes: ling_processors_layer_node = LinguisticProcessors(layer, [linguistic_processor]).node() naf_header_node.append(ling_processors_layer_node) elif replace: remove_lps(ling_processors_layer_nodes[0]) ling_processors_layer_nodes[0].append(linguistic_processor.node()) else: ling_processors_layer_nodes[0].append(linguistic_processor.node()) def extend_lps(self, layer: str, linguistic_processors: List[LP], replace=False): """Add linguistic processor elements to the linguistic processors list for the given layer. Creates a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet. Parameters ---------- layer : str the name of the layer linguistic_processors : List[LP] the linguistic processors """ naf_header_node = self.root.find('nafHeader') ling_processors_layer_nodes = [lps for lps in naf_header_node.findall('linguisticProcessors') if lps.get('layer') == layer] if not ling_processors_layer_nodes: ling_processors_layer_node = LinguisticProcessors(layer, linguistic_processors).node() naf_header_node.append(ling_processors_layer_node) elif replace: remove_lps(ling_processors_layer_nodes[0]) ling_processors_layer_nodes[0] = [lp.node() for lp in linguistic_processors] else: ling_processors_layer_nodes[0].extend([lp.node() for lp in linguistic_processors]) def add_raw_layer(self, text: str, exist_ok=False): """Add (or replace) raw layer from text Parameters ---------- text : str raw layer text exist_ok : bool allows replacement of existing layer""" self.add_layer('raw', Raw(text), exist_ok) def get_lps(self, layer_name): """Return list of linguistic processors for a given layer Parameters ---------- layer_name: str layer name Returns ------- list of Lp objects Raises ------ ValueError: if the NAF header has no linguisticProcessors element for that layer""" lprocessors = [x for x in self.getall('linguisticProcessors') if x.layer_name == layer_name] if lprocessors: return lprocessors[0].lps else: return None def targets2indices(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]: """Map each word form, subtoken or term id to its begin and end indices Returns ------- map of target ids to start and end indices """ if not self.has_layer('text'): return {} id_map = {} for wf in self.get('text'): id_map[] = (int(wf.offset), int(wf.offset) + int(wf.length)) if wf.subtokens: id_map.update({ (int(st.offset), int(st.offset) + int(st.length)) for st in wf.subtokens}) if self.has_layer('terms'): # higher layers may reference to terms # map term ids to begin/end indices through word-form ids twf_map = { id_map[t.span.target_ids()[0]] for t in self.get('terms')} id_map.update(twf_map) return id_map def add_comments(self): """Add covered text as comment to all Span elements that have no comment yet""" spans = [x for x in self.root.findall('.//span') if not [_ for _ in x.iter(tag=etree.Comment)]] target_ids = [[t.get('id') for t in span.findall('target')] for span in spans] if spans and not self.id_map: self.id_map = self.targets2indices() for span_node, tid_span in zip(spans, target_ids): begin, end = self.id_map[tid_span[0]][0], self.id_map[tid_span[-1]][1] comment = self.get('raw').text[begin:end] comment = comment.replace('--', '-~') comment = re.sub('-$', '~', comment) span_node.append(etree.Comment(comment)) def covered_text(self, target_ids: List[str]) -> str: """Return text covered by the target ids Parameters ---------- target_ids: List[str] target ids Returns ------- covered text """ start, end = self.start_end_indices(target_ids) return self.get('raw').text[start:end] def start_end_indices(self, target_ids: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return the start and end indices of the span represented by the target ids Parameters ---------- target_ids: List[str] target ids Returns ------- tuple of start and end indices """ if not self.id_map: self.id_map = self.targets2indices() if not self.id_map: raise ValueError('No target ids found') return self.id_map[target_ids[0]][0], self.id_map[target_ids[-1]][1] def reset_targets2indices(self): """Recomputes the mapping of all word forms, subtokens and terms to their start and end indices. This mapping is computed in a restricted number of cases: when loading a existing NAF document, or when retrieving the covered text on a newly created NAF document. The present function can be called when adding layers for which the mapping will be relevant, such as subtokens or terms on a NAF document already annotated with word forms. """ self.id_map = self.targets2indices()
Static methods
def load(naf_file, validate_against_dtd=False, decorate=True)
Create a NAF document from a NAF file
- path to NAF file
- validates input tree against DTD if True
- adds covered text to span nodes
validate_against_dtdis True, and input file does not conform to the DTD
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@staticmethod def load(naf_file, validate_against_dtd=False, decorate=True): """Create a NAF document from a NAF file Parameters ---------- naf_file : str path to NAF file validate_against_dtd : bool validates input tree against DTD if True decorate : bool adds covered text to span nodes Raises ------ ValueError: if `validate_against_dtd` is True, and input file does not conform to the DTD """ tree = etree.parse(naf_file, etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, strip_cdata=False)) if validate_against_dtd: validate_dtd(tree) return NafParser(tree, decorate=decorate)
def add_comments(self)
Add covered text as comment to all Span elements that have no comment yet
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def add_comments(self): """Add covered text as comment to all Span elements that have no comment yet""" spans = [x for x in self.root.findall('.//span') if not [_ for _ in x.iter(tag=etree.Comment)]] target_ids = [[t.get('id') for t in span.findall('target')] for span in spans] if spans and not self.id_map: self.id_map = self.targets2indices() for span_node, tid_span in zip(spans, target_ids): begin, end = self.id_map[tid_span[0]][0], self.id_map[tid_span[-1]][1] comment = self.get('raw').text[begin:end] comment = comment.replace('--', '-~') comment = re.sub('-$', '~', comment) span_node.append(etree.Comment(comment))
def add_layer(self, layer_name: str, element: Any, exist_ok=False)
Add a layer to the NAF xml tree
- naf layer name
- layer object
- allows replacement of existing layer
:if layer already exists and
exist_okis False
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def add_layer(self, layer_name: str, element: Any, exist_ok=False): """Add a layer to the NAF xml tree Parameters ---------- layer_name : str naf layer name element : Any layer object exist_ok : bool allows replacement of existing layer Raises ------ ValueError: if layer already exists and `exist_ok` is False """ if self.has_layer(layer_name) and not exist_ok: raise ValueError('Layer {} already exists'.format(layer_name)) else: if self.has_layer(layer_name): self.root.remove(self.root.find(layer_name)) self.root.append(element.node()) if layer_name in ('text', 'terms'): self.reset_targets2indices() if self.decorate: self.add_comments()
def add_layer_from_elements(self, layer_name: str, elements: list, exist_ok=False)
Create container layer from its elements.
This method can be applied to non-empty layers without attributes. This concerns almost all layers, except for
- naf layer name
- list of layer elements objects
- allows replacement of existing layer
:if layer already exists and
exist_okis False
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def add_layer_from_elements(self, layer_name: str, elements: list, exist_ok=False): """Create container layer from its elements. This method can be applied to non-empty layers without attributes. This concerns almost all layers, except for `NafHeader`, `Raw` and `TemporalRelations` Parameters ---------- layer_name : str naf layer name elements : list list of layer elements objects exist_ok : bool allows replacement of existing layer Raises ------ ValueError: if layer already exists and `exist_ok` is False """ self.add_layer(layer_name, create_from_elements[layer_name](elements), exist_ok=exist_ok)
def add_linguistic_processor(self, layer: str, name: str, version: str, lpDependencies=[], attributes={}, add_time_stamp=True, replace=False)
Add a
linguistic processor
element to the linguistic processors list for the given layer.Creates a
layer and/or alinguisticProcessors
layer if there is not one yet.Parameters
- the name of the layer
- the name of the linguistic processor
- the version of the linguistic processor
- list of linguistic processor dependencies
- optional linguistic processor attributes ('timestamp', 'beginTimestamp', 'endTimestamp', 'hostname')
- create time stamp
- replace or append to
elements for that layer
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def add_linguistic_processor(self, layer: str, name: str, version: str, lpDependencies=[], attributes={}, add_time_stamp=True, replace=False): """Add a `linguistic processor` element to the linguistic processors list for the given layer. Creates a `nafHeader` layer and/or a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet. Parameters ---------- layer : str the name of the layer name : str the name of the linguistic processor version : str the version of the linguistic processor lpDependencies : List(LPDependency) list of linguistic processor dependencies attributes : dict optional linguistic processor attributes ('timestamp', 'beginTimestamp', 'endTimestamp', 'hostname') add_time_stamp : bool create time stamp replace : bool replace or append to `lp` elements for that layer """ if not self.has_layer('nafHeader'): self.add_naf_header() if add_time_stamp: attributes['timestamp'] ='seconds') self.add_lp(layer, LP(name, version, lpDependencies, attributes), replace)
def add_lp(self, layer: str, linguistic_processor: LP, replace: bool)
Add a linguistic processor element to the linguistic processors list for the given layer.
Creates a
layer if there is not one yet. Pre-existing linguistic processor elements are replaced ifreplace
is True.Parameters
- the name of the layer
- the linguistic processor
- replace or append to
elements for that layer
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def add_lp(self, layer: str, linguistic_processor: LP, replace: bool): """Add a linguistic processor element to the linguistic processors list for the given layer. Creates a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet. Pre-existing linguistic processor elements are replaced if `replace` is True. Parameters ---------- layer : str the name of the layer linguistic_processor : LP the linguistic processor replace : bool replace or append to `lp` elements for that layer """ naf_header_node = self.root.find('nafHeader') ling_processors_layer_nodes = [lps for lps in naf_header_node.findall('linguisticProcessors') if lps.get('layer') == layer] if not ling_processors_layer_nodes: ling_processors_layer_node = LinguisticProcessors(layer, [linguistic_processor]).node() naf_header_node.append(ling_processors_layer_node) elif replace: remove_lps(ling_processors_layer_nodes[0]) ling_processors_layer_nodes[0].append(linguistic_processor.node()) else: ling_processors_layer_nodes[0].append(linguistic_processor.node())
def add_naf_header(self, fileDesc_attrs={}, public_attrs={}, linguistic_processors=[], exist_ok=False)
Create and add
layer attributespublic_attrs
layer attributeslinguistic_processors
- list of
objects per layer exist_ok
- allows replacement of existing layer
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def add_naf_header(self, fileDesc_attrs={}, public_attrs={}, linguistic_processors=[], exist_ok=False): """ Create and add `nafHeader` layer Parameters ---------- fileDesc_attrs : dict `fileDesc` layer attributes public_attrs : dict `public` layer attributes linguistic_processors : list[LinguisticProcessors] list of `LinguisticProcessors` objects per layer exist_ok : bool allows replacement of existing layer """ self.add_layer('nafHeader', NafHeader.create(fileDesc_attrs, public_attrs, linguistic_processors), exist_ok)
def add_raw_layer(self, text: str, exist_ok=False)
Add (or replace) raw layer from text
- raw layer text
- allows replacement of existing layer
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def add_raw_layer(self, text: str, exist_ok=False): """Add (or replace) raw layer from text Parameters ---------- text : str raw layer text exist_ok : bool allows replacement of existing layer""" self.add_layer('raw', Raw(text), exist_ok)
def covered_text(self, target_ids: List[str]) ‑> str
Return text covered by the target ids
- target ids
covered text
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def covered_text(self, target_ids: List[str]) -> str: """Return text covered by the target ids Parameters ---------- target_ids: List[str] target ids Returns ------- covered text """ start, end = self.start_end_indices(target_ids) return self.get('raw').text[start:end]
def extend_lps(self, layer: str, linguistic_processors: List[LP], replace=False)
Add linguistic processor elements to the linguistic processors list for the given layer.
Creates a
layer if there is not one yet.Parameters
- the name of the layer
- the linguistic processors
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def extend_lps(self, layer: str, linguistic_processors: List[LP], replace=False): """Add linguistic processor elements to the linguistic processors list for the given layer. Creates a `linguisticProcessors` layer if there is not one yet. Parameters ---------- layer : str the name of the layer linguistic_processors : List[LP] the linguistic processors """ naf_header_node = self.root.find('nafHeader') ling_processors_layer_nodes = [lps for lps in naf_header_node.findall('linguisticProcessors') if lps.get('layer') == layer] if not ling_processors_layer_nodes: ling_processors_layer_node = LinguisticProcessors(layer, linguistic_processors).node() naf_header_node.append(ling_processors_layer_node) elif replace: remove_lps(ling_processors_layer_nodes[0]) ling_processors_layer_nodes[0] = [lp.node() for lp in linguistic_processors] else: ling_processors_layer_nodes[0].extend([lp.node() for lp in linguistic_processors])
def get(self, layer_name: str)
Return a layer object for the layer with the given layer-name.
Returns only the first object if more elements carry the same name.
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def get(self, layer_name: str): """Return a layer object for the layer with the given layer-name. Returns only the first object if more elements carry the same name.""" if not self.has_layer(layer_name): raise ValueError("layer {} does not exist".format(layer_name)) nodes = self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer_name)) return create_from_node[layer_name](nodes[0])
def get_lps(self, layer_name)
Return list of linguistic processors for a given layer
- layer name
ofLp objects
:if the NAF header has no linguisticProcessors element for that layer
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def get_lps(self, layer_name): """Return list of linguistic processors for a given layer Parameters ---------- layer_name: str layer name Returns ------- list of Lp objects Raises ------ ValueError: if the NAF header has no linguisticProcessors element for that layer""" lprocessors = [x for x in self.getall('linguisticProcessors') if x.layer_name == layer_name] if lprocessors: return lprocessors[0].lps else: return None
def getall(self, layer_name: str)
Return a list of layer objects for each layer carrying the given layer-name
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def getall(self, layer_name: str): """Return a list of layer objects for each layer carrying the given layer-name """ if not self.has_layer(layer_name): raise ValueError("layer {} does not exist".format(layer_name)) nodes = self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer_name)) return [create_from_node[layer_name](node) for node in nodes]
def has_layer(self, layer: str)
Returns True if layer with given name exists
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def has_layer(self, layer: str): """Returns True if layer with given name exists""" return self.root.findall('.//{}'.format(layer))
def reset_targets2indices(self)
Recomputes the mapping of all word forms, subtokens and terms to their start and end indices.
This mapping is computed in a restricted number of cases: when loading a existing NAF document, or when retrieving the covered text on a newly created NAF document. The present function can be called when adding layers for which the mapping will be relevant, such as subtokens or terms on a NAF document already annotated with word forms.
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def reset_targets2indices(self): """Recomputes the mapping of all word forms, subtokens and terms to their start and end indices. This mapping is computed in a restricted number of cases: when loading a existing NAF document, or when retrieving the covered text on a newly created NAF document. The present function can be called when adding layers for which the mapping will be relevant, such as subtokens or terms on a NAF document already annotated with word forms. """ self.id_map = self.targets2indices()
def start_end_indices(self, target_ids: List[str]) ‑> Tuple[int, int]
Return the start and end indices of the span represented by the target ids
- target ids
ofstart and end indices
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def start_end_indices(self, target_ids: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return the start and end indices of the span represented by the target ids Parameters ---------- target_ids: List[str] target ids Returns ------- tuple of start and end indices """ if not self.id_map: self.id_map = self.targets2indices() if not self.id_map: raise ValueError('No target ids found') return self.id_map[target_ids[0]][0], self.id_map[target_ids[-1]][1]
def targets2indices(self) ‑> Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]
Map each word form, subtoken or term id to its begin and end indices
oftarget ids to start and end indices
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def targets2indices(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]: """Map each word form, subtoken or term id to its begin and end indices Returns ------- map of target ids to start and end indices """ if not self.has_layer('text'): return {} id_map = {} for wf in self.get('text'): id_map[] = (int(wf.offset), int(wf.offset) + int(wf.length)) if wf.subtokens: id_map.update({ (int(st.offset), int(st.offset) + int(st.length)) for st in wf.subtokens}) if self.has_layer('terms'): # higher layers may reference to terms # map term ids to begin/end indices through word-form ids twf_map = { id_map[t.span.target_ids()[0]] for t in self.get('terms')} id_map.update(twf_map) return id_map
def write(self, file_path)
Write NAF tree to file or stdout if no file path is given
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def write(self, file_path): """Write NAF tree to file or stdout if no file path is given""" if file_path is None: print(etree.tostring(self.root, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)) else: self.tree.write(file_path, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)