LOTUS: Linked Open Text UnleaShed

This repository contains all code of LOTUS, accompanying the ESWC2016 publication:

  title={LOTUS: Adaptive Text Search for Big Linked Data},
  author={Ilievski, Filip and Beek, Wouter and van Erp, Marieke and Rietveld, Laurens and Schlobach, Stefan},
  booktitle={ESWC 2016},
  organization={Springer International Publishing}

LOTUS is currently the largest LOD text index, allowing free text access the LOD Laundromat data collection. It won 2nd place at the European Linked Data Contest 2016.

LOTUS was developed at VU University Amsterdam, as a collaboration between CLTL and the Knowledge Representation & Reasoning departments.

API github


Indexer github



See http://lotus.lodlaundromat.org/docs for detailed description of the API parameters.

Web interface

Also, try our web interface at http://lotus.lodlaundromat.org/ or http://lodsearch.org. Note: While the visual appearance of LOTUS has been changed since it has been presented at ESWC 2016, its functionality has been kept unchanged. The ESWC 2016 interface of LOTUS is still functional and can be accessed at http://lodsearch.org/eswc.

Additional materials

Video from ESWC 2016’s presentation on LOTUS http://videolectures.net/eswc2016_ilievski_linked_data/

Research paper from ESWC 2016 http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007\%2F978-3-319-34129-3_29

Slides from ESWC 2016’s presentation on LOTUS http://www.slideshare.net/FilipIlievski1/lotus-adaptive-text-search-for-big-linked-data

Workshop paper from the ISWC 2015 COLD Workshop http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1426/paper-06.pdf


The LOTUS Semantic Search engine was awarded the 2nd place in the European Linked Open Data Competition 2016 (http://2016.semantics.cc/eldc).


Filip Ilievski (f.ilievski@vu.nl)